Sunday, April 4, 2010

Quilt for baby Zachary

I made this quilt for my cousin Amber and her husband Mark. Happy Birthday Zachary!!!
I like madras for baby quilts because the colors are good for a boy or girl.

Beck saw the quilt I was making and he said that he wanted one too. So I made one for Beck and he chose the boarder. I really liked the way it turned out. His quilt is the one on the right. The one on the left was made for me for my Great Grandma Scott.
In fact, Beck had a project at school where he had to give a presentation about a "family artifact" and he used Grandma Scott's quilt. Of course, he told the class that it was my baby quilt and it was really old, "like 100 years old." Thanks Beck!! I suppose age has no real meaning to an eight-year-old; if you're not a kid, you're old!

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